WMA2022 Cross Country RunningTampere 30.06.2022
WMA2022 Cross Country RunningTampere 30.06.2022
M70 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 26, Keskeytti: 1, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 4513 | Qualls Robert | United States of America | 21:59 | +0 |
2. | 41 | Belaabed Yassine | Australia | 22:12 | +13 |
3. | 2570 | Thorp Stewart | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 22:18 | +19 |
4. | 3498 | Jasek Tadeusz | Poland | 22:39 | +40 |
5. | 1635 | Träskelin Sune | Finland | 22:53 | +54 |
6. | 2549 | Skelton John | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 22:57 | +57 |
7. | 4226 | Fannia Hassen | Tunisia | 23:06 | +1:06 |
8. | 2561 | Swiecicki Aleksander | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 23:10 | +1:10 |
9. | 3918 | Recio Celso | Spain | 23:15 | +1:15 |
10. | 80 | Puglisi Giovanni | Australia | 23:19 | +1:20 |
11. | 4449 | Learned Jerry | United States of America | 23:43 | +1:43 |
12. | 3810 | Fernández Suárez Luis Ramón | Spain | 23:48 | +1:48 |
13. | 1925 | Thomas Jean | France | 24:10 | +2:11 |
14. | 4412 | Hirschberger John | United States of America | 24:24 | +2:25 |
15. | 1053 | Kärkkäinen Heimo | Finland | 24:34 | +2:34 |
16. | 3587 | Ribeiro José | Portugal | 25:11 | +3:11 |
17. | 87 | Schwebel Ron | Australia | 25:46 | +3:46 |
18. | 944 | Keski-Honkola Pertti | Finland | 26:11 | +4:11 |
19. | 1500 | Santaniemi Mikko | Finland | 26:14 | +4:14 |
20. | 1000 | Kortelahti Juhani | Finland | 26:17 | +4:18 |
21. | 2793 | Belton William | Ireland | 26:19 | +4:20 |
22. | 4074 | Larsson Bo | Sweden | 27:00 | +5:01 |
23. | 3609 | Sanchez Neftali | Puerto Rico | 27:17 | +5:17 |
24. | 1190 | Mettälä Teuvo | Finland | 27:42 | +5:42 |
25. | 214 | Dias Jose Roberto | Brazil | 30:10 | +8:10 |
| 1257 | Niemi Raimo | Finland | Kesk. | |
M75 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 15, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 1944 | Ahrens Wolfgang | Germany | 23:36 | +0 |
2. | 4378 | Glass Dave | United States of America | 24:03 | +27 |
3. | 4503 | Patton Gary | United States of America | 24:03 | +27 |
4. | 2082 | Kollhammer Dieter | Germany | 24:14 | +38 |
5. | 1733 | Väli-Torala Tuure | Finland | 25:51 | +2:15 |
6. | 4298 | Bolding Ross | United States of America | 26:11 | +2:35 |
7. | 3581 | Moreira Domingos | Portugal | 27:05 | +3:29 |
8. | 1340 | Perkkiö Simo | Finland | 27:35 | +3:59 |
9. | 1877 | Maillard Gérard | France | 28:10 | +4:34 |
10. | 866 | Juopperi Markku | Finland | 28:46 | +5:10 |
11. | 194 | Van Noten Omer | Belgium | 30:22 | +6:46 |
12. | 1031 | Kuosmanen Matti | Finland | 31:06 | +7:29 |
13. | 210 | de Araújo Lutero Renato | Brazil | 35:17 | +11:40 |
14. | 4470 | Mathies Drué | United States of America | 38:05 | +14:28 |
15. | 1078 | Lampén Matti | Finland | 42:18 | +18:42 |
M80 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 12, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 1819 | Esnault Jean-Louis | France | 25:26 | +0 |
2. | 2090 | Krüger Bernd | Germany | 26:45 | +1:18 |
3. | 4058 | Jonson Åke | Sweden | 27:08 | +1:41 |
4. | 2228 | Trümper Karl Walter | Germany | 28:32 | +3:05 |
5. | 2450 | Johnson Michael | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 29:33 | +4:07 |
6. | 1898 | Pesenti Jean Claude | France | 31:10 | +5:43 |
7. | 988 | Komulainen Viljo | Finland | 33:39 | +8:12 |
8. | 118 | Hoser Gottfried | Austria | 34:17 | +8:50 |
9. | 2110 | Lessing Peter | Germany | 35:17 | +9:51 |
10. | 255 | Christensen Vern | Canada | 36:28 | +11:02 |
11. | 4262 | Volskyi Oleksandr | Ukraine | 42:18 | +16:52 |
12. | 85 | Schickert Robert | Australia | 49:01 | +23:35 |
M85 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 2, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 2638 | Aguilar Francisco | Guatemala | 42:58 | +0 |
2. | 947 | Kiander Raino | Finland | 51:30 | +8:32 |
W70 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 13, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 1157 | Mankki Hellevi | Finland | 25:10 | |
2. | 2838 | Kenny Eileen | Ireland | 25:10 | +0 |
3. | 2019 | Goettnauer Margret | Germany | 25:13 | +3 |
4. | 2454 | Kesterton Dorothy | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 25:19 | +9 |
5. | 4390 | Groesz Jeanette | United States of America | 28:11 | +3:01 |
6. | 2355 | Dockery Anne | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 28:27 | +3:17 |
7. | 4515 | Ray Suzanne | United States of America | 29:02 | +3:52 |
8. | 2563 | Tabor Rosalind | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 29:24 | +4:13 |
9. | 2031 | Hartenberger Lilo | Germany | 30:28 | +5:18 |
10. | 3187 | Petrova Valentina | Latvia | 32:53 | +7:43 |
11. | 3197 | Sirve Dzidra | Latvia | 37:13 | +12:03 |
12. | 3171 | Jurcina Nina | Latvia | 40:24 | +15:14 |
13. | 4558 | Sprattling René | United States of America | 50:47 | +25:37 |
W75 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 12, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 2145 | Nittel Maria Brigitte | Germany | 31:16 | +0 |
2. | 2535 | Rich Pauline | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 31:29 | +12 |
3. | 2173 | Rost-Brasholz Gabriele | Germany | 31:58 | +41 |
4. | 3188 | Racenaja Zinaida | Latvia | 33:26 | +2:09 |
5. | 966 | Kivistö Hannele | Finland | 33:52 | +2:35 |
6. | 463 | Rocnakova Miloslava | Czech Republic | 34:03 | +2:47 |
7. | 2211 | Springer Elisabeth | Germany | 36:50 | +5:34 |
8. | 1516 | Sepponen Ulla | Finland | 38:56 | +7:39 |
9. | 3180 | Liepa Inta | Latvia | 41:38 | +10:21 |
10. | 4363 | Frable Kathleen | United States of America | 43:11 | +11:54 |
11. | 110 | Fürlinger Eva | Austria | 44:44 | +13:27 |
12. | 1495 | Sandman Ilona | Finland | 48:48 | +17:31 |
W80 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 1, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 1955 | Bayer Waltraud | Germany | 37:17 | +0 |
W85 : 6,0 km
Lähti: 2, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 4418 | Hurrell Lynne | United States of America | 50:47 | +0 |
2. | 4382 | Graf Tami | United States of America | 53:40 | +2:53 |
M60 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 23, Keskeytti: 1, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 4451 | Lee Richard | United States of America | 26:44 | +0 |
2. | 4436 | King Daniel | United States of America | 26:46 | +1 |
3. | 1451 | Rundgren Jarmo | Finland | 27:05 | +21 |
4. | 3589 | Rodrigues António Pereira | Portugal | 27:15 | +30 |
5. | 1582 | Surkka Ari | Finland | 28:00 | +1:16 |
6. | 3797 | del Río Älvarez Francisco | Spain | 28:27 | +1:42 |
7. | 1121 | Lindberg Niko | Finland | 28:53 | +2:08 |
8. | 4196 | Seghrouchni Abdelhafid | Switzerland | 29:16 | +2:31 |
9. | 1081 | Lapinkangas Pertti | Finland | 29:25 | +2:41 |
10. | 556 | Kääpa Valeri | Estonia | 29:40 | +2:55 |
11. | 4252 | Mospan Mykhailo | Ukraine | 29:41 | +2:56 |
12. | 1798 | Chancel Alain | France | 29:43 | +2:59 |
13. | 757 | Heinämäki Mikko | Finland | 29:55 | +3:10 |
14. | 4520 | Riccardi Timothy | United States of America | 30:18 | +3:33 |
15. | 2361 | Doxey Steven | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 31:54 | +5:09 |
16. | 3844 | Tomas Hernandez | Spain | 33:40 | +6:55 |
17. | 2858 | Monks Joseph | Ireland | 35:10 | +8:26 |
18. | 1219 | Myyryläinen Veikko | Finland | 38:02 | +11:18 |
19. | 3858 | Llata Sanchez Alberto | Spain | 39:03 | +12:18 |
20. | 1572 | Ståhl Peter | Finland | 39:34 | +12:49 |
21. | 111 | Fürlinger Johannes | Austria | 42:53 | +16:08 |
22. | 4179 | Fürst René | Switzerland | 43:23 | +16:39 |
| 1108 | Leppimäki Jari | Finland | Kesk. | |
M65 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 28, Keskeytti: 2, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 2302 | Bradbury Bob | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 28:04 | +0 |
2. | 2438 | Hughes Paul | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 28:18 | +14 |
3. | 3483 | Dryps Ryszard | Poland | 28:35 | +30 |
4. | 3586 | Pereira Licínio | Portugal | 29:18 | +1:14 |
5. | 2860 | Moynihan Eugene | Ireland | 29:25 | +1:21 |
6. | 376 | Ardila Calderon Francisco Ant | Colombia | 30:03 | +1:59 |
7. | 2817 | Elliott Paul | Ireland | 30:05 | +2:01 |
8. | 1833 | Gimenez Christian | France | 30:42 | +2:37 |
9. | 4082 | Lindqvist Björn | Sweden | 31:02 | +2:57 |
10. | 1622 | Tikkanen Tapio | Finland | 31:13 | +3:09 |
11. | 3623 | Harjoc Vasile | Romania | 31:15 | +3:10 |
12. | 1653 | Ukkonen Leo | Finland | 31:26 | +3:21 |
13. | 1068 | Laitila Eki | Finland | 31:43 | +3:39 |
14. | 1563 | Springare Heimo | Finland | 33:13 | +5:08 |
15. | 2149 | Olejniczak Stefan | Germany | 34:31 | +6:26 |
16. | 3477 | Borowski Krzysztof | Poland | 34:43 | +6:39 |
17. | 4064 | Karlsson Mikael | Sweden | 35:10 | +7:05 |
18. | 2316 | Buxton Richard | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 35:59 | +7:54 |
19. | 3806 | Felipe Ricardo | Spain | 36:30 | +8:26 |
20. | 3206 | Abromaitis Kestutis | Lithuania | 37:48 | +9:43 |
21. | 2528 | Proffitt David | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 39:49 | +11:44 |
22. | 2503 | Murray Andy | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 40:43 | +12:38 |
23. | 209 | da Silveira Francisco Hypolit | Brazil | 40:59 | +12:55 |
24. | 4128 | Steen Håkan | Sweden | 41:15 | +13:11 |
25. | 2353 | Dillon Kevin | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 43:31 | +15:27 |
26. | 2358 | Dolton Alan | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 47:35 | +19:30 |
| 3479 | Brandenburg Jozef | Poland | Kesk. | |
| 2045 | Hesselmann Rolf | Germany | Kesk. | |
M55 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 26, Keskeytti: 1, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 3576 | Figueiredo Joaquim | Portugal | 25:14 | +0 |
2. | 2911 | Biglione Mauro | Italy | 25:36 | +21 |
3. | 3426 | Nygaard Jon Per | Norway | 25:55 | +40 |
4. | 3916 | Ramirez Jose | Spain | 26:06 | +52 |
5. | 716 | Hakola Jari | Finland | 26:17 | +1:02 |
6. | 1769 | Aubron Marc | France | 26:51 | +1:37 |
7. | 953 | Kilpinen Petteri | Finland | 27:06 | +1:51 |
8. | 365 | Soto Marcelo | Chile | 27:15 | +2:00 |
9. | 1090 | Laurila Hannu | Finland | 27:15 | +2:01 |
10. | 3857 | Lebrero Suárez Angel | Spain | 27:31 | +2:17 |
11. | 1102 | Lehtonen Matti | Finland | 27:53 | +2:39 |
12. | 1095 | Lehtinen Juha-Matti | Finland | 28:16 | +3:02 |
13. | 2170 | Riefer Markus | Germany | 28:32 | +3:18 |
14. | 2907 | Belluomo Gianfranco | Italy | 29:01 | +3:47 |
15. | 1658 | Uusitalo Jari | Finland | 29:17 | +4:03 |
16. | 3790 | Crescenti Juan Pedro | Spain | 30:01 | +4:47 |
17. | 1014 | Kouru Kimmo | Finland | 30:18 | +5:04 |
18. | 1728 | Vähä-Vahe Pekka | Finland | 30:29 | +5:14 |
19. | 2816 | Egan Ian | Ireland | 31:21 | +6:06 |
20. | 2893 | Agati Gabriele | Italy | 31:54 | +6:39 |
21. | 817 | Hyvönen Ismo | Finland | 32:34 | +7:19 |
22. | 4016 | Bäckström Olav | Sweden | 33:33 | +8:18 |
23. | 2539 | Roberts Alan | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 34:34 | +9:19 |
24. | 1655 | Urpilainen Esko | Finland | 36:14 | +10:59 |
25. | 377 | Beltrán Alfonso Jairo | Colombia | 36:52 | +11:38 |
| 3864 | Madí Vila Josep Maria | Spain | Kesk. | |
W50 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 11, Keskeytti: 1, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 722 | Halonen Niina | Finland | 29:34 | +0 |
2. | 3345 | Schipper Agnes | Netherlands | 29:35 | +1 |
3. | 2808 | Crowley Carmel | Ireland | 29:55 | +21 |
4. | 818 | Hyyppä Mari | Finland | 30:05 | +31 |
5. | 1127 | Lipsanen Eerika | Finland | 33:49 | +4:15 |
6. | 458 | Prokopová Renata | Czech Republic | 36:03 | +6:29 |
7. | 655 | Antikainen Tuula | Finland | 37:27 | +7:53 |
8. | 3264 | Jackson Virginia | Mexico | 38:39 | +9:05 |
9. | 3460 | Zorrilla Alicia | Panama | 39:05 | +9:31 |
10. | 4227 | Gharbi Salma | Tunisia | 47:11 | +17:37 |
| 4519 | Renfer Teresa | United States of America | Kesk. | |
W55 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 15, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 2818 | Evans Donna | Ireland | 31:07 | +0 |
2. | 4261 | Turysheva Nataliia | Ukraine | 32:12 | +1:04 |
3. | 1475 | Saarela Jaana | Finland | 32:28 | +1:20 |
4. | 2079 | Knospe Katja | Germany | 32:55 | +1:47 |
5. | 3278 | Silvia Sierra Sias | Mexico | 33:06 | +1:58 |
6. | 2089 | Krause Ute | Germany | 33:16 | +2:08 |
7. | 3784 | Castro Soliño María Soledad | Spain | 33:42 | +2:35 |
7. | 2421 | Hausler Elke | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 33:42 | +2:35 |
9. | 3913 | Quispe Valencia Nancy Nena | Spain | 33:50 | +2:42 |
10. | 4439 | Klein Tina | United States of America | 34:09 | +3:01 |
11. | 849 | Joentausta Päivi | Finland | 34:28 | +3:20 |
12. | 1972 | Buxton Christiane | Germany | 35:51 | +4:43 |
13. | 4612 | Muñoz Guzmán Sonia Mariela | Uruguay | 36:39 | +5:31 |
14. | 466 | Slabáková Lenka | Czech Republic | 37:46 | +6:38 |
15. | 1187 | Metsänen Jaana | Finland | 37:59 | +6:51 |
W60 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 10, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 2872 | O'Sullivan Niamh | Ireland | 29:29 | +0 |
2. | 299 | Ohler Makie | Canada | 31:49 | +2:20 |
3. | 3917 | Ramos Leon Marisol | Spain | 32:42 | +3:12 |
4. | 4570 | Swan Mary | United States of America | 33:05 | +3:35 |
5. | 557 | Kääpa Viivi | Estonia | 37:17 | +7:47 |
6. | 2039 | Henn Elisabeth | Germany | 38:07 | +8:38 |
7. | 2213 | Stehr Dorit | Germany | 40:40 | +11:10 |
8. | 2362 | Doxey Wendy | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 48:30 | +19:00 |
9. | 3074 | Venturini Lorenza | Italy | 49:04 | +19:34 |
10. | 2768 | Luhulima-Salo Desiree | Indonesia | 1:11:05 | +41:35 |
W65 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 12, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 1281 | Nurmi Seija | Finland | 33:37 | +0 |
2. | 2393 | Garnier Anna | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 34:42 | +1:05 |
3. | 1387 | Pääkkönen Sirpa | Finland | 34:45 | +1:08 |
4. | 1650 | Tynkkynen Mirjam | Finland | 36:35 | +2:58 |
5. | 298 | Northcott Clara | Canada | 38:17 | +4:40 |
6. | 2192 | Schubert Rita | Germany | 38:19 | +4:42 |
7. | 3459 | Rodríguez Cirza | Panama | 39:33 | +5:56 |
8. | 4615 | Ruiz Veronica | Uruguay | 40:03 | +6:26 |
9. | 382 | Gutierrez Jara Sara Isabel | Colombia | 40:12 | +6:35 |
10. | 3176 | Kozlovska Ruta | Latvia | 49:17 | +15:40 |
11. | 2437 | Howell Ceridwen | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 51:45 | +18:08 |
12. | 20 | Arias Cuellar Maria Gaby | Argentina | 51:54 | +18:17 |
M45 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 29, Keskeytti: 1, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 1800 | Chiquet Jerome | France | 23:48 | +0 |
2. | 767 | Hellsten Juha | Finland | 24:10 | +21 |
3. | 940 | Kero Jaakko | Finland | 24:16 | +28 |
4. | 941 | Kero Jukka | Finland | 24:27 | +38 |
5. | 3896 | Peña Martinez Victor Ramon | Spain | 24:35 | +46 |
6. | 1585 | Syrjälä Teppo | Finland | 24:56 | +1:08 |
7. | 3863 | Lucas Cantero Carlos Andrés | Spain | 25:05 | +1:16 |
8. | 695 | Forsblom Tomi | Finland | 25:24 | +1:35 |
9. | 422 | Brychta Jiri | Czech Republic | 25:29 | +1:41 |
10. | 3183 | Nilovs Valdis | Latvia | 25:43 | +1:54 |
11. | 3465 | Huanca Calizaya Andres Santos | Peru | 26:18 | +2:29 |
12. | 710 | Haavikko Olli | Finland | 26:23 | +2:34 |
13. | 392 | Salazar Bermudez Cesar Asdrub | Colombia | 26:52 | +3:04 |
14. | 1122 | Lindberg Vesa | Finland | 26:58 | +3:09 |
15. | 1731 | Välimäki Markus | Finland | 27:04 | +3:15 |
16. | 1564 | Stenholm Pekka | Finland | 27:39 | +3:51 |
17. | 1645 | Tupala Toni | Finland | 27:43 | +3:55 |
18. | 863 | Junkkaala Hannu | Finland | 28:08 | +4:19 |
19. | 942 | Kero Lasse | Finland | 28:13 | +4:24 |
20. | 28 | Gauna Enzo Dario | Argentina | 28:47 | +4:58 |
21. | 1020 | Kuitunen Jarmo | Finland | 28:47 | +4:58 |
22. | 1149 | Maimonen Jarno | Finland | 29:11 | +5:22 |
23. | 750 | Heikkinen Jussi-Pekka | Finland | 29:34 | +5:46 |
24. | 836 | Ikäheimo Jorma | Finland | 29:36 | +5:47 |
25. | 888 | Järvinen Tuomas | Finland | 30:45 | +6:56 |
26. | 1758 | Zacheus Tuomas | Finland | 30:54 | +7:05 |
27. | 903 | Kalmakurki Mikko | Finland | 31:28 | +7:39 |
28. | 1423 | Reunamäki Jukka | Finland | 34:49 | +11:00 |
| 3577 | Marcelino Jorge | Portugal | Kesk. | |
M50 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 22, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 3575 | Figueiredo Davide | Portugal | 24:20 | +0 |
2. | 2916 | Burlo Andrea | Italy | 24:29 | +9 |
3. | 3337 | Kwist Patrick | Netherlands | 24:45 | +25 |
4. | 3893 | Pascual Albareda Albert | Spain | 25:10 | +50 |
5. | 185 | Rens Stefan | Belgium | 25:21 | +1:01 |
6. | 3027 | Prandi Mario | Italy | 25:25 | +1:05 |
7. | 3569 | Barros Domingos | Portugal | 25:33 | +1:13 |
8. | 3819 | Gadea Sanchez Jose Vicente | Spain | 25:36 | +1:16 |
9. | 3625 | Laza Florin Marcel | Romania | 26:02 | +1:42 |
10. | 3635 | Stancu Cristian | Romania | 26:06 | +1:46 |
11. | 3628 | Miklos Artur-Ianos | Romania | 26:34 | +2:14 |
12. | 982 | Kolehmainen Arvi | Finland | 27:09 | +2:49 |
13. | 787 | Hokkanen Harri | Finland | 28:27 | +4:07 |
14. | 2186 | Schneider Norbert | Germany | 28:40 | +4:20 |
15. | 1471 | Rönkkö Antti | Finland | 28:45 | +4:25 |
16. | 1699 | Viitasaari Tommi | Finland | 28:49 | +4:29 |
17. | 1394 | Raitanen Ismo | Finland | 28:54 | +4:34 |
18. | 2254 | Wilmes Heiko | Germany | 29:05 | +4:45 |
19. | 2172 | Rohregger Robert | Germany | 32:35 | +8:15 |
20. | 4076 | Larsson Martin | Sweden | 38:33 | +14:13 |
21. | 177 | Leemans Jean-Francois | Belgium | 43:54 | +19:34 |
22. | 619 | Veel Villu | Estonia | 50:38 | +26:18 |
W35 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 6, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 4463 | Lund April | United States of America | 27:43 | +0 |
2. | 3634 | Sasu Nicoleta-Marinela | Romania | 29:26 | +1:42 |
3. | 1718 | Vuonoranta Jenny | Finland | 30:43 | +2:59 |
4. | 700 | Grönfors Tea | Finland | 31:19 | +3:36 |
5. | 4485 | Monzelowsky Tessa | United States of America | 34:34 | +6:50 |
6. | 1087 | Lassila Laura | Finland | 37:57 | +10:13 |
W40 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 13, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 2839 | Kenny Michelle | Ireland | 28:21 | +0 |
2. | 1512 | Savukoski Marika | Finland | 30:48 | +2:26 |
3. | 934 | Kellola Karoliina | Finland | 31:08 | +2:46 |
4. | 2326 | Chklar Diana | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 31:21 | +3:00 |
5. | 1363 | Pitkänen Anu | Finland | 32:50 | +4:28 |
6. | 1978 | Deiss Sonja | Germany | 33:39 | +5:17 |
7. | 2493 | Mills Rebecca | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 33:45 | +5:23 |
8. | 1382 | Puttonen Suvi | Finland | 35:04 | +6:42 |
9. | 3765 | Beltran Bascon Sara | Spain | 36:24 | +8:02 |
10. | 2171 | Rodrigues Katja | Germany | 36:42 | +8:20 |
11. | 2072 | Kleinemeyer Dagmar | Germany | 39:22 | +11:00 |
12. | 402 | Hazel Veronica Carvajal Corde | Costa Rica | 42:05 | +13:43 |
13. | 2766 | Bulgamin-Salo Gina | Indonesia | 50:00 | +21:38 |
W45 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 20, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 3617 | Ciortan Nicoleta | Romania | 27:35 | +0 |
2. | 3793 | De Toro Sáiz María José | Spain | 27:43 | +8 |
3. | 2863 | O'Connor Catherine | Ireland | 27:57 | +22 |
4. | 2877 | Quinn Zoë | Ireland | 28:07 | +32 |
5. | 4430 | Josiah-Tanner Euleen | United States of America | 29:25 | +1:50 |
6. | 4369 | Gacek Melissa | United States of America | 29:42 | +2:07 |
7. | 1209 | Mustonen Katja | Finland | 29:56 | +2:21 |
8. | 88 | Seibold Kate | Australia | 30:10 | +2:35 |
9. | 820 | Häkkinen Anna-Liisa | Finland | 30:27 | +2:52 |
10. | 1559 | Sorri Katja | Finland | 30:30 | +2:55 |
11. | 1280 | Nurmi Paula | Finland | 31:48 | +4:13 |
12. | 3189 | Rassa Ginta | Latvia | 32:05 | +4:30 |
13. | 784 | Himanen Anna-Mari | Finland | 32:48 | +5:13 |
14. | 3175 | Kojalovica Ilona | Latvia | 34:18 | +6:43 |
15. | 3226 | Pociuviene Ramune | Lithuania | 34:46 | +7:11 |
16. | 724 | Halonen Terhi | Finland | 35:31 | +7:56 |
17. | 3170 | Joce Ludmila | Latvia | 35:53 | +8:18 |
18. | 128 | Nöbl Manuela | Austria | 36:27 | +8:52 |
19. | 834 | Ikonen Heli | Finland | 38:08 | +10:33 |
20. | 4255 | Radionova Nataliia | Ukraine | 38:11 | +10:36 |
M35 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 12, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 884 | Järvenpää Jarkko | Finland | 22:32 | +0 |
2. | 1741 | Wihlman Niklas | Finland | 22:41 | +8 |
3. | 815 | Hytönen Joonas | Finland | 23:18 | +45 |
4. | 1634 | Träskelin Joakim | Finland | 23:58 | +1:25 |
5. | 3363 | van Troost Pascal | Netherlands | 24:03 | +1:31 |
6. | 3334 | Hettema Ton | Netherlands | 24:37 | +2:04 |
7. | 4228 | Hfaiedh Adel | Tunisia | 24:43 | +2:10 |
8. | 1649 | Tyni Mikko Akseli | Finland | 24:46 | +2:13 |
9. | 1605 | Tapanila Hannu | Finland | 26:24 | +3:51 |
10. | 388 | Ochoa Vergara Juan Fernando | Colombia | 26:50 | +4:17 |
11. | 3817 | Flores Pereila Miguel Angel | Spain | 28:51 | +6:18 |
12. | 3944 | Serra Torres Jose | Spain | 32:56 | +10:23 |
M40 : 8,0 km
Lähti: 14, Keskeytti: 0, Hylätty: 0
Sija | Nro | Nimi | Seura | Tulos | Ero |
1. | 170 | Heemskerk Steven | Belgium | 23:06 | +0 |
2. | 3513 | Kujawski Grzegorz | Poland | 23:21 | +15 |
3. | 2100 | Lang Michael | Germany | 23:30 | +24 |
4. | 3252 | Alcaraz Alejandro | Mexico | 25:10 | +2:04 |
5. | 2118 | Löbel Yves | Germany | 25:22 | +2:16 |
6. | 2544 | Scott-Buccleuch James | Great Britain and Northern Ire | 26:17 | +3:11 |
7. | 803 | Huhtala Pasi | Finland | 26:31 | +3:25 |
8. | 880 | Järvelä Juha | Finland | 26:40 | +3:34 |
9. | 690 | Eskelinen Matti | Finland | 27:43 | +4:37 |
10. | 3568 | Barcelos Lourenço | Portugal | 28:41 | +5:35 |
11. | 3842 | Gutierrez Gonzalez Jose | Spain | 28:51 | +5:44 |
12. | 864 | Junkkaala Teemu | Finland | 29:06 | +6:00 |
13. | 1990 | Ebert Enrico | Germany | 29:18 | +6:11 |
14. | 4510 | Potocki Walter | United States of America | 31:20 | +8:14 |